Minding Your Business Branding
Illustra was asked to create a brand Strategy for Minding your Business that would incorporate…
The U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment (Stewardship Commitment) is a voluntary, stakeholder-aligned initiative to advance sustainability leadership across the dairy community. It aligns and quantifies industry action on important areas like the environment and animal care to affirm and illustrate U.S. dairy’s longstanding values of responsible production, nourishing communities and continuous improvement.
Cooperatives and processors that adopt the Stewardship Commitment agree to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders and follow a rigorous set of standards to demonstrate positive impact.
As a part of that initiative, Illustra was asked to develop a sustainable metrics standards handbook to educate dairy farmers and industry leaders across the dairy food supply chain about these collaborative, voluntary, and progressive initiatives. These materials were developed as commercial print, print-on-demand and web-based publications.
Deliverables included the development of:
• U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment Handbook
• Metrics At-A-Glance Handout
• Infographics
• Dairy farmers
• Industry – industry partners and business from grass-to-glass
• Academic and government